Tinder is a relatively new and rapidly gaining popularity social network that focuses on the opportunities for people to become acquainted and communicate online. The difference between Tinder and other social networks is that it mechanically finds people with present location which is closest to yours. So more and more people login in to Tinder and apply it.
How to Log in to Tinder without Facebook
First of all, to login in to Tinder account you may use your account from Facebook. Of course, it is popular question if I can use Tinder without it. The answer is "yes", just the phone number is also can be taken and it leads us to the fact that there are two ways to sign in to tinder. Just press 'log in with phone number' on the first page of registration and your Facebook account will no longer be needed.
After that you should take a few steps to end signing in:
- Enter your phone number into an empty string, further you will receive SMS code.
- Write this code in order to go on the next level.
- Then you have to enter your email to recover your Tinder account later.
- So the last thing to be done is coming up with a password.
Well, now you are free to fill your profile with the right information about you. It can be concluded that it is not obligatory to turn to your Facebook account in order to make one in Tinder.
How to Log in to Tinder with Facebook
Second option is to log in to Tinder account with the help of your Facebook. The difference is that with this variant you do not need to create fully new page, some kind of information will be already automatically taken from your profile in Facebook. But it does not mean that it can not be changed.
If you are choosing to log in to Tinder with Facebook account, then you have to enter your e-mail address or also phone number and Facebook password. It is important thing that the exactly the same password must be used, there is not necessary to think of the new one. After that you should select the button "log in". On the next page you need to press the button "continue as your name". After entering your phone number you will get a message with special code that must be put in. And your work is almost done, you just have to press Ђ˜continue' and your Tinder account will be created. This option can be more convenient because of the same passwords, so you do not need to memorize a lot of data and get confused.
If you suddenly forget the password you will have to restore it on Facebook. Thereafter, it will be automatically changed on Tinder too.
How to Log out from Tinder
In some way it is easier. To log out from Tinder account you may press "settings" and then go to the bottom of the page where you can find a button "log out". Also it is possible to delete your profile at all by virtue of pushing the knob "delete account". Of course, you can make new account later if you want to.
In conclusion we can say that it is not complicated to login in to Tinder account, besides there are two different ways to do it. Actually, login in process does not take much time and is totally worth it.
See also: Facebook Log in